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ON THE LABEL : Benzophenone, ingredients containing the word benzophenone (for example benzophenone-2), BP# (for example BP2), oxybenzone, sulisobenzone, sulisobenzone sodium

CONCERNS : Cancer, endocrine disruption, developmental and reproductive toxicity, organ system toxicity, irritation, ecotoxicity


CONCERNS : Endocrine disruption, organ-system toxicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity, cancer, irritation.

ON THE LABEL : Carbon black, D & C Black No. 2, acetylene black, channel black, furnace black, lamp black, and thermal black

CONCERNS : Cancer (possible), Organ system toxicity

ON THE LABEL : Coal tar solution, tar, coal, carbo-cort, coal tar solution, coal tar solution USP, crude coal tar, estar, impervotar, KC 261, lavatar, picis carbonis, naphtha, high solvent naphtha, naphtha distillate, benzin B70, petroleum benzin.

CONCERNS : Cancer, organ system toxicity

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